Open Letter to the Media
May 30, 2006
I write this letter in response to a news broadcast seen recently on Channel 2 in Houston regarding Morgellons disease. I immediately thought....I do not want to get this!!
Even though the most recognized diagnosis is delusional parisitosis, the reporting style and serious tone conveyed that this terrible affliction may not be delusional at all!! After all, the report featured experts in the field! A creepy cause for concern by everyone here in Texas!
I immediately began researching the subject online, maybe you should have done more research before reporting and airing this story! To suggest that this is a legitimate mystery disease without a better understanding of the suffering subjects and hard facts is irresponsible and incompetent!
What I discovered were incredulous and shocking stories from sufferers with corresponding "proof" on microscope slides and yes, even a video, of these nasty little "bugs" that infect them. I searched for clear pictures or video of these parasites actually on or in a persons skin, perhaps a full body shot, with these fibers protruding from their lesions, but have been unable to find any images to support their claims, even though they are supposedly visible to the naked eye in many instances. Anything magnified could look pretty ominous to someone bent on convincing themselves and others that they're not crazy! Then there are the conspiracy theories - it's in the cotton (if you don't believe it look at a Q-tip real close) it's from Mars, it's some kind of government bio-chemical creation or maybe its a viral ad campaign for a movie!
These poor people are most definitely suffering, but to lend credence to their delusions is incomprehensible! Unfortunately, these people are not capable of accepting any other diagnosis because they believe, with unshakable certainty, that they are infected with these things that live and mutate under their skin. Besides, there are others just like them from all walks of life, from all parts of the country with the same stories. Any attention this extreme paranoia receives only reinforces the belief. At the center of this belief is the Morgellons Research Foundation. I find nothing on the CDC page even though it has been reported that they are considering investigating the claims. More reinforcement..........
Read the message boards and forums. You will find many of these "Morgies" on several different sites, expounding on their personal "bug" stories, commiserating with each other in despair and desperation, frustrated that so many doctors dismiss them, feeding upon each other, reinforcing each others twisted perceptions, exchanging advice on how to clean and mutilate themselves. The experts from Morgellon are also posting and probably anonymously as well. There are many sites selling expensive treatments to heal and relieve the pain and itching caused by these parasitic invaders. These folks are also posting! Is money the root of this evil? Morgellons Foundation needs donations!!!
Who bears the burden of responsibility for perpetuating and feeding the appetite of the mentally disturbed? Shouldn't the media be more conscientious and subjective in reporting on issues that could conceivably do more harm than good? This report was fuel for the fire and in my opinion, recruitment for many more mentally sick people to join this "cult" experience.
If this sensational report was designed to get my attention, it certainly did! If the goal of this story was to increase ratings, or God forbid, generate support for the Morgellons cause, I find it despicable and sadly lacking compassion and journalistic integrity.
Shame on you...........
I write this letter in response to a news broadcast seen recently on Channel 2 in Houston regarding Morgellons disease. I immediately thought....I do not want to get this!!
Even though the most recognized diagnosis is delusional parisitosis, the reporting style and serious tone conveyed that this terrible affliction may not be delusional at all!! After all, the report featured experts in the field! A creepy cause for concern by everyone here in Texas!
I immediately began researching the subject online, maybe you should have done more research before reporting and airing this story! To suggest that this is a legitimate mystery disease without a better understanding of the suffering subjects and hard facts is irresponsible and incompetent!
What I discovered were incredulous and shocking stories from sufferers with corresponding "proof" on microscope slides and yes, even a video, of these nasty little "bugs" that infect them. I searched for clear pictures or video of these parasites actually on or in a persons skin, perhaps a full body shot, with these fibers protruding from their lesions, but have been unable to find any images to support their claims, even though they are supposedly visible to the naked eye in many instances. Anything magnified could look pretty ominous to someone bent on convincing themselves and others that they're not crazy! Then there are the conspiracy theories - it's in the cotton (if you don't believe it look at a Q-tip real close) it's from Mars, it's some kind of government bio-chemical creation or maybe its a viral ad campaign for a movie!
These poor people are most definitely suffering, but to lend credence to their delusions is incomprehensible! Unfortunately, these people are not capable of accepting any other diagnosis because they believe, with unshakable certainty, that they are infected with these things that live and mutate under their skin. Besides, there are others just like them from all walks of life, from all parts of the country with the same stories. Any attention this extreme paranoia receives only reinforces the belief. At the center of this belief is the Morgellons Research Foundation. I find nothing on the CDC page even though it has been reported that they are considering investigating the claims. More reinforcement..........
Read the message boards and forums. You will find many of these "Morgies" on several different sites, expounding on their personal "bug" stories, commiserating with each other in despair and desperation, frustrated that so many doctors dismiss them, feeding upon each other, reinforcing each others twisted perceptions, exchanging advice on how to clean and mutilate themselves. The experts from Morgellon are also posting and probably anonymously as well. There are many sites selling expensive treatments to heal and relieve the pain and itching caused by these parasitic invaders. These folks are also posting! Is money the root of this evil? Morgellons Foundation needs donations!!!
Who bears the burden of responsibility for perpetuating and feeding the appetite of the mentally disturbed? Shouldn't the media be more conscientious and subjective in reporting on issues that could conceivably do more harm than good? This report was fuel for the fire and in my opinion, recruitment for many more mentally sick people to join this "cult" experience.
If this sensational report was designed to get my attention, it certainly did! If the goal of this story was to increase ratings, or God forbid, generate support for the Morgellons cause, I find it despicable and sadly lacking compassion and journalistic integrity.
Shame on you...........
I comletely agree! The media has a certain responsibility to report facts. To entertain the delusions of the mentally confused can only cause more harm to them and others who have never been aware of this strange condition before. To promote Morgellons as a possible reality is not only irresponsible news reporting, but also proof that the media has lost integrity as a viable sorce of world affairs. It makes me question what other stories have been sensationalized for the sake of ratings! Morgellons is a web born creation by delusional people who mulilate themselves and spread fear to others. One must always question the information obtained by a sorce that has no regulation, but our media has a much greater responsibility to inform, and if delusions can make worthy news reporting, I supposed we all must start to question the validity of the current news industry!
Its frightening when a fictional story gets more of the facts correct than our own news media. Post your comments about the movie "Bug"
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